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CITY OF SAVAGE <br /> SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 853 <br /> AN INTERIM ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE,TESTING, MANUFACTURING, AND <br /> DISTRIBUTION OF THC PRODUCTS <br /> NOW,THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Savage does ordain: <br /> SECTION 1. BACKGROUND. <br /> 1. By enacting 2022 Session Law Chapter 98, Article 13,the Minnesota Legislature amended <br /> Minn. Stat. §151.72 and permitted the sale of edible and nonedible cannabinoid products <br /> that contain no more than 0.3%of Tetrahydrocannabinol,commonly known as THC("THC <br /> Products"). <br /> 2. The new law does enact some requirements for labeling and testing, but the law provides <br /> no parameters regulating production, compliance checks, or sales of THC Products. The <br /> new law does not prohibit local regulation. <br /> 3. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462.355, subd. 4, the City is authorized to enact by ordinance a <br /> moratorium to regulate, restrict or prohibit any use within the jurisdiction to protect the <br /> public health, safety, and welfare. Specifically, the City is authorized to enact a <br /> moratorium ordinance to allow it to undertake a study to determine whether to adopt <br /> any regulations or restrictions, including siting and location of uses, related to the sales, <br /> testing, manufacturing, and distribution of THC Products. <br /> 4. Pursuant to its general police powers, including but not limited to, Minn. Stat. § 421.221, <br /> subd. 32, the City may enact and enforce regulations or restrictions on THC Products <br /> within the City to protect the public safety, health, and welfare, including restrictions and <br /> a moratorium on the use of sales, testing, manufacturing, and distribution, during the <br /> pendency of a study to determine the need for police power regulations, including but <br /> not necessarily limited to licensing and permitting. <br /> SECTION 2. FINDINGS. <br /> 1. The City Council finds there is a need to study THC Products and uses and businesses <br /> related thereto, in order to assess the necessity for and efficacy of regulation and <br /> restrictions relating to the sales,testing, manufacturing, and distribution of THC Products, <br /> including through licensing or zoning ordinances, in order to protect the public health, <br /> safety, and welfares of its residents. <br />